Peter Boritz and Doreen Berne were proud to represent BAF at the 7th Annual Project Enterprise Awards Event, honoring entrepreneurs who have shown exceptional business acumen, growth of their businesses, and a commitment to the Project Enterprise mission of supporting microfinance in underserved communities. As a BAF Affinity Partner, Project Enterprise has recommended their yearly award winners as new mentees to BAF over the past five years. Last year PE honored George Williams, owner of
Ujamaa Communications, a computer consulting and technology firm. George is now working with BAF Mentor Arnold Miller to build his business clients and expand his market reach.
For more information in Project Enterprise, visit their website:
Doreen Berne, BAF Executive Director; Peter Boritz, BAF President-Elect; George Williams, BAF Mentee and Project Enterprise 2009 Award Winner |
Peter Boritz, BAF; Catherine Barnett, Vice President of Project Enterprise; David Singer, Dorsey & Whitney LLP, Chairman of the Project Enterprise Board |